Recently I was asked to provide some updated portfolio pieces for 27’s internet outlets. More specifically, myself and the other artists were all asked to find pieces that we felt were representative of our strengths and what we would like to do more of in the future. I hated this task. I am definitely guilty of being overly self critical and obsessive to a fault. My preferred modus operandi would to take around 90 photos at the finale of a tattoo project, obsess over all the reasons I have to doubt my photography skills and eventually not post any photos til about 6 months later when I realize I’m getting way too many questions like “Hey, do you still tattoo?”
Fortunately for my own sake, once the assignment was pressed upon me by an external source I was able to find a few photos of recent work that I feel are solid representations of what I’d like to do more of. I have more thoughts on the matter that I intend to express here at some point soon but my son has grown tired of The Incredibles 2 and I’ll have to leave it here to go play with bubbles as requested. Thanks for looking.